No :( I'm needing to store data about individual contacts. Does
anybody else have ideas? I really want to avoid steganography that can
survive JPEG recompression, it would be an astonishing amount of suck.

On May 2, 10:12 am, jarkman <> wrote:
> The sync process seems to re-encode the jpeg. You'll need to use a
> robust steganographic method... :-)
> I had read Contacts.Settings as storing settings for sync accounts,
> not settings for individual contacts. Is that what you're after ?
> Richard
> On May 2, 1:00 am, Mike Hearn <> wrote:
> > I would like to store some app-specific data in the contacts db. Is it
> > safe to stuff random things into the Contacts.Settings table? Will it
> > affect the GUI? Does anybody have an example of doing that? It's not
> > really clear to me if there's a proper mechanism for this, or if the
> > settings table is reserved for the systems own use.
> > BTW my first attempt was to use an app specific database, but then
> > users would uninstall the app, reinstall it later and wonder why it
> > didn't work. My second attempt was to stuff the data into the JPEG
> > headers but the sync process deletes them, presumably for security
> > reasons. So if there's no way to store my things in the contacts db
> > directly, I think I'm out of luck - I'll have to look at
> > steganographically encoding the data into the raw pixels themselves!
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