How did they code the Google Search Widget?
Is that a "hack"?

On Apr 16, 7:47 am, Jeff Sharkey <> wrote:
> Jon, you're right, there isn't a direct way of including an EditText
> into a widget.
> The major reason for this is we don't have a good way of identifying
> how that text should be sent back across a PendingIntent.  To solve
> this from the framework side, one approach would to add the text to
> the extras bundle with the of the EditText as the key, and using
> Intent.fillIn() when sending the PendingIntent.  But then we run into
> issues when there is a button that should also trigger an action: do
> we bundle any+all EditText values with that intent as well?
> Instead of solving this problem with the hack described above, we're
> holding off until we come up with a better solution.
> A workaround in the meantime might be to have the PendingIntent launch
> an activity with Theme.Dialog or Theme.Panel that contains an
> EditText.
> j
> On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 8:00 PM, Jon Colverson <> wrote:
> > Hello.
> > I've been looking at the new 1.5_pre SDK today, and the new AppWidget
> > API in particular. I was hoping to write a widget for posting to
> > Twitter as part of my nanoTweeter app. The interface I had in mind
> > would look very similar to the Google Search widget, with an EditText
> > and a submit Button, but as far as I can see there's no way to get at
> > user input in a RemoteViews. Is that right, or am I overlooking
> > something?
> > Thanks.
> > --
> > Jon
> --
> Jeff Sharkey

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