Thanks Diane. We just fixed it. Seems like the moment you post to the 
list in desperation, the answer appears. Wonderful magick.

Turns out our initialization is so crazy complicated we were 
wait()-ing the UI thread (instead of the worker thread we thought we 
were on) waiting for the service connection to fire. Well, not too 
surprisingly, hanging the UI thread keeps stuff from happening....

Not sure what the best idiom is for insuring a service is up before 
you proceed, but that's another (straightforward) problem.

-- Ward

At 10:16 AM -0700 5/15/09, Dianne Hackborn wrote:
>Are you passing the flag to have the service created?  What is the 
>output of "adb shell dumpsys activity.service" during this time? 
>(And what is the name of your service to be able to find it?)
>On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 10:09 AM, Ward Willats 
><<>> wrote:
>Man, we are pulling our out over this....
>We have a service. bindService() returns true. But our
>ServiceConnection is never called with onConnect(). The onCreate() of
>the service is never executed (neither is the onBind(), of course).
>Except sometimes! (twice now, out of many many tries).
>Remote service, local service, intent-filter, direct class
>invocation, "procedure" attribute, no procedure attribute, cupcake,
>1.1, emulator, device ... we've tried 'em all!
>We belive the service is found, and in the remote case, we see the
>new process always created ... but the dang service just isn't
>started. We aren't specifying any security settings and writing the
>simplest manifest entry we can....
>Does this sound familiar to anyone? What can we check?
>Thanks, as always.
>-- Ward
>Dianne Hackborn
>Android framework engineer
>Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have 
>time to provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails. 
> All such questions should be posted on public forums, where I and 
>others can see and answer them.

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