On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 2:24 AM, Sha<sha.andr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I am new to android. I am trying to install Android SDK(android-sdk-
> windows-1.5_r2) on the Eclipse (eclipse-jee-ganymede-SR2-win32) in
> Windows Vista.
> I have followed the steps mentioned in the 
> http://developer.android.com/sdk/1.5_r2/index.html.
> Everything works fine, I am able to even run the HelloWorld program on
> the emulator.
> The issue is that I have to install the Android SDK (add site and
> install the development tools) every time I start the Eclipse.
> Its very time taking and I don't know if its a bug or some problem
> with Vista or my system as such.

You should not have to reinstall the plugin every time you run
Eclipse. Are you sure the plugin is not there anymore? You can check
by looking at the Software Update or Help>About>Plugins panels.

If the plugin disapears once you quite Eclipse, there's something
seriously wrong with your installation of Eclipse.

>  Can you please help me with that?? Also, Is there some way that I can
> run an application (.apk) on the emulator using Eclipse??  I am also

Yes. Once you create an android project in Eclipse, select "Run As...
Android Application". This will ask you to create an AVD and will run
an emulator with your app. Leave the emulator around, you don't need
to close it every time to want to run your app.


> not able to just run the emulator from the tools directory in the
> android_SDK folder. Isn't it supposed to run without the Eclipse???
> I will really be very thankful if you can help me out with it!!!...
> thanks
> Sha

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