Thanks for good thoughts! What I did not explain was that my idea is
to eventually publish my app. Then servers of other users will be
returning data to the app - and possibly returning much more data
(list items). I do not have access to a "huge" worst-case data-source
and I do not know how to simulate one.

Here is where my questions arose: Is there a way to find a suitable
"happy medium" without trial and error testing on a huge database?

Some reflections on your ideas:

- Prefetch and cache: It would be perfectly ok for the user to wait a
few secs for "loading" at application startup. I have been thinking
about reading the complete data from the server, and filling a
background array of custom data-objects with it. Then the listView
could be fed and filled from the background array independently of
what the user-selection might be (different content depending on
selection). However, I get back to the same question: How do I know
there is enough memory to hold the complete background array, and if
not - what the "happy medium" is?

- Reusing: If only enough items for one display is loaded (added to
the ArrayAdapter) - won't this then interrupt the nice sliding feel /
momentum feel of the scrolling listview?

- XML: No plans for XML, however, the data returned by the server is a
huge long URL-encoded text string, So after parsing out the single
elemnts with String-methods, I am currently using the URLDecoder-class
and the decode-method to get the pretty-printed strings out. I do not
see a way around this.

- Load and decompress in a non-UI thread: I understand what you mean,
and also sense this might be a good solution. Though, I do not have
any idea how to begin with this. Links to any guidelines would be

Thanks! /Andy

On 24 Juni, 19:33, "Yusuf T. Mobile" <> wrote:
> Hi Andy. Some ideas are:
> - implement the simplest design first (i.e., load everything into
> memory) and profile early and often
> - iff (if and only if) and wherre (where and only where - I made that
> one up:) it croaks, some possible optimizations are:
>     - don't put thousands of items on one list. Sublists may be an
> alternative.
>     - prefetch and cache data - especially the images, rather than
> loading them real-time from URLs. Loading everything is in theory the
> most efficient, but may make the user wait at first, which ruins
> responsiveness. Depending on the data characterization and use cases,
> you will have to find a happy medium.
>     - reuse objects rather than incur the cost of memory allocation
> and GC. For example, if you have a custom list item class, only create
> as many as are needed to display on the screen, and update their data
> as the user scrolls up and down, rather than creating lots of new ones
> and abandoning old ones as the user scrolls.
>     - don't use XML, it has many advantages, but bandwidth and parsing
> efficiency are not among them. Use a streaming (rather than tree)
> parser, with a compressed protocol. Google's protobuf may be an
> option.
>     - load and decompress in a non-UI thread. You don't have to wait
> until everything is loaded and decompressed to show something, you can
> do so selectively depending on what the user is looking at and may
> soon be looking at.
> Yusuf Saib
> Android
> ·T· · ·Mobile· stick together
> The views, opinions and statements in this email are those of the
> author solely in their individual capacity, and do not necessarily
> represent those of T-Mobile USA, Inc.
> On Jun 23, 2:06 pm, Andy_Sthml <> wrote:
> > This is mainly a design question :
> > My app connects to a server from where data is retrieved and presented
> > in a listview. Depending on user-selection different data is retreived
> > and filled in the list. A typical list item consists of a text string
> > of up to some 50 or 60 characters depending what the server returns.
> > Additionally, a small image icon is shown next to each string. The
> > server may return any number of items from 0 up to many hundred or
> > even thousands. It is possble to ask the server to iteratively return
> > subsets of the content. The images are actually links to http-
> > addresses, but I guess this still requires/allocates memory for the
> > listview by Android.
> > How do I design for efficiency and responsiveness, considering memory
> > consumption?
> > Are there any generic guide lines on how many list items, Strings or
> > Bytes to keep in memory?
> > On the one hand I would like to have as many items in the list as
> > possible - from a users perspective *all* items returned from the
> > server would be expected. On the other, sending many queries to the
> > server makes the app slower. I am not sure how to handle this
> > situation since I do not have a feel for what android can handle in
> > terms of memory.
> > Any ideas would be of help.- Dölj citerad text -
> - Visa citerad text -
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