You may want to consider the AddHeaderView and AddFooterView methods
of the list view.  The link below describes how to implement these.

On Jul 11, 5:58 pm, Breezy <> wrote:
> So I have the basics down...  I can create a UI with the XML, I can
> show it and change the screen to another UI (another XML file) but how
> do I add to the UI?
> Hmmm, hard to explain...
> Say I have a header (just 2 textviews) that will remain at the top and
> below that is a search box and button (main.xml).  The user searches
> and I have it display the search UI (search.xml).  This UI will have
> the same header (2 textviews) and below it will have several textviews
> each one containing a search result...  Kinda like if you search for
> an app in the market.  There's no way of telling how many results
> would be returned so I figured I would have to create each textview on
> the fly within the .java file.  I'm not sure how to do this.  Most
> likely would require a loop of some sort, but whats the syntax to
> create a new textview and display it right below the one above it?
> I'm working with linear here so I would assume just creating a new
> textview it will by default go to the next one down which is what I
> want.
> Any help?  I searched a lot but I'm not sure what it's called that I'm
> looking for exactly.
> Also, say I have 30 results...  How do I get those to scroll but leave
> the 2 textview header in place?  Would I create a ScrollView and put
> the new TextViews in that?
> I'm probably way off here, but any correcting is fine.
> Thanks
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