Hi Mark,

Thanks for the response.

Mark wrote:
>If you are trying to make a separate installable application, remove all
>>functionality from the code that relies upon classes not in the SDK.

Yes that's exactly what I am trying to do.

As suggested, If i remove all the internal api calls (mentioned in my
previous mail), I may have to compromise / even break some of the
functionality of Contacts app.

I am trying to add more features to the existing contacts app, without
loosing any of existing contacts functionality. Is it possible?
Well this is what my intended direction, where I am heading, without
knowing if that is possible.


On Jul 15, 8:14 pm, Mark Murphy <mmur...@commonsware.com> wrote:
> Shibbs wrote:
> > I am trying to create a separate Contacts "stand alone" App using the
> > existing android contacts source code, once that done I intend to add
> > some more features ( code ) to contacts source & make a contacts.apk
> > out of it.
> > Is it possible?
> Not without a lot of work.
> > The problem I faced was, when I pulled the contacts app source code,
> > there were many internal api calls & Private api references. I tried
> > to resolve them by including those internal api source code & class
> > files(available from the android source code) in my project, but there
> > are still many errors & internal api calls, which I am not sure how to
> > resolve them like:
> > import android.os.ServiceManager
> > android.provider.Gmail
> > android.provider.Im
> > android.provider.Telephony
> > acquireProvider(Uri)
> > deleteRow()
> > lookupProviderNameFromId(int)
> > ISyncAdapter
> > IContentProvider
> > etc....
> > Is there a way to solve these internal API issue?
> Do not try to build that code as a separate project. The built-in
> applications, in general, are designed to be built as part of the
> firmware, not simply to the SDK.
> > Can somebody lead me to a correct direction?
> You have not indicated what the "direction" is.
> If you are trying to assist with the Android open source project, and
> make patches to Contacts, do not pull it into a separate application.
> Rather, follow the instructions athttp://source.android.comto build
> firmware and make your changes that way.
> If you are trying to make a separate installable application, remove all
> functionality from the code that relies upon classes not in the SDK.
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons 
> Guy)http://commonsware.com|http://twitter.com/commonsguy
> _The Busy Coder's Guide to *Advanced* Android Development_
> Version 0.9 Available!
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