Naveen Krishna Ch wrote:
>     Yes. I saw your post from four hours ago on [android-developers]. Your
>     post did not make much sense to me then, and it makes no more sense to
>     me now.
> Don't be so hard Murphy,

You emailed me personally, only four hours after posting to this list,
with the same text as from your post (plus one additional question,
which I answered in a private reply to the private email, plus another
answer below).

I try to be very generous with my time, but I am not a one-man technical
support hotline, either.

I do not put a blanket clause in my email sigs, like some of the core
Android team has had to do, saying not to email them personally. On the
other hand, I reserve the right to get testy if you do not give the
public assistance process enough time before contacting me directly.

That being said, I apologize for my tone.

> I was asked to look for alternatives like Looper, handler to manipulate the
> message queue associated with the Activity so the bindService gets
> processed and the service connection gets
> established with in onCreate().

I am not aware that this is possible, but, then again, I haven't tried it.

>     Note that bindService() is not merely asynchronous, but will not even
>     begin doing any work until you return from onCreate(), AFAIK. Hence,
>     onServiceConnected() will not be called until sometime after onCreate()
>     ends.
> I browsed and could not find any implementation similar to this.

(in that case, the bindService() is on a button click, rather than in
onCreate(), but otherwise the logic still holds)

(same concept, but for remote services rather than local ones)

> I understand 4hours is not enough to expect a response.
> and wanted to know if there are places, which could be helpful.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy) |

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