
I also was trying to crop my preview to show it in a smaller space.
But it would cram the whole image into the smaller view I created.  I
studied some of the android source code, tried and failed at many
remedies, and finally settled on a tacky compromise:

1) I created a SurfaceView that fills the whole screen, and do the
mCamera.setPreviewDisplay() to its surfaceHolder as you'd expect.
2) I "covered" the SurfaceView with other views set with a background
color, leaving a small region to show the camera preview.

I am not proud. But it delivers the proper illusion. I have to then
"crop" the image in the same place after I take the picture.

I would have liked to have a "ViewPort" type of view where I could
have just "zoomed in" in the surface view where I wanted. Better yet
if I could apply any 2D pipeline stuff from an invisible surfaceView
and put the result into a visible surface view or canvas.

On May 20, 3:56 pm, Max Salley <> wrote:
> I'm trying to show a cropped version of the preview, but show it at
> native resolution rather than showing the entire thing scaled down.  I
> discuss what I'm doing more here (
> android-developers/t/f95804f843d3711b).
> On May 20, 3:50 pm, Jason Proctor <> wrote:
> > what do you want to do with the preview?
> > if you just want to render it, then Camera will do that for you with
> > setPreviewDisplay().
> > best thing to do if you want to do anything else == don't use Camera
> > previews :-)
> > >I think I might go the offscreen buffer route and render when I can,
> > >as FPS doesn't matter to me in the slightest.  I'm looking at creating
> > >a virtual canvas to draw to, but I'm not sure what to do with the
> > >YCbCrarray that can get it into a usable form.  What would you
> > >suggest I do with the array?
> > --
> >

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