To clarify, the problem keeps coming back after a couple of times
through debugging my program. When I shut everything (including
adb.exe) down and start it all back up again it works great for 1-2
debug sessions before it stalls again.

On Jul 21, 5:52 pm, Micah <> wrote:
> OK, so I killed the adb.exe process (Android debugger I'm guessing)
> along with Eclipse and my AVD.  Once I restarted all of those the load
> times are vastly improved (as I would expect load times to be).  I had
> previously restarted Eclipse + AVD which didn't help so I'm guessing
> it's adb.exe that is the problem.  If anyone is interested in fixing
> whatever leak was happening in there here is some additional
> information:
> All that is in the log is garbage collection being done every so often
> (5-10 seconds apart).  It appears to be stalling in:
> Class.getDeclaredMethods(Class, boolean) line: not available [native
> method]
> ClassCache.getDeclaredPublicMethods() line: 166
> ClassCache.getDeclaredMethods(boolean) line: 179
> ClassCache.findAllMethods(Class, ArrayList, HashSet, boolean) line:
> 249
> ClassCache.getFullListOfMethods(boolean) line: 223
> ClassCache.getAllPublicMethods() line: 204
> Class.getMethod(String, Class...) line: 1006
>, String,
> Class...) line: 900
> By stalling I mean I can let it run for a bit and then pause the
> thread and see it in that function.  If I then try to step-into it
> just sits at "Stepping" in the debugger while whatever is going on in
> there tries to finish whatever it's doing.  Eventually (before I
> finally restarted adb.exe) it got to the point where it would never
> finish that function call.  It would just hang there.
> One thing of note in the log which may be of interest is:
> INFO/dalvikvm(721): WOW: somebody generated [Lcom/google/protobuf/
> Descriptors$FileDescriptor; simultaneously
> I'm not sure what it means, but it's coming from the VM it seems.
> On Jul 21, 4:58 pm, fadden <> wrote:
> > On Jul 21, 3:57 pm, Micah <> wrote:
> > > I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong it terms of how to reference
> > > external libraries with an Android project, but 30-45 seconds seems
> > > like a very long time to wait on a 2.6GHz machine.
> > Considering that the system manages to load a couple thousand classes
> > in far less time, I suspect something really strange is going on.
> > Does the log show anything during this time?  (If you do "adb logcat -
> > v time" you get timestamps on each log message.)
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