The problem with .NET is it changes too quickly and may not be well
suited to phones which require a stable core OS.

I have worked extensively on all versions of .NET from 1.0 to 3.5 and
every time a new update comes out, all the libraries have changed and
in the case of Silverlight, most of the framework has been binned!

.NET is great for cutting edge desktop / web solutions, but I can't
see how it would work for phones when Microsoft keep telling us to
scrap everything we learned before.

Making the jump from .NET to Java is very easy and I don't think Java
should put off too many .NET developers (it didn't for me).

On Jul 31, 5:27 am, smehaffie <> wrote:
> If Google was smart it would do the following the following:
> 1) Make is so it support running native .Net application on it and
> create SDK for .Net:
> * This would open up millions of .Net developers so they can create
> programs for Android without having to learn a new programming
> language.
> * Eliminate .Net developers from having to install 2 different IDE's.
> Why this would be enticing to .Net developers:
> * We all know the MS Mobile platform sucks, and since they are being
> so hush-hush no one has any ideas on where MS is headed with there
> mobile platform.
> * Technology changes to quick to have something else to learn, and
> right now most programmers do not have the time to learn a whole new
> programming language.
> Benefits to Google:
> * Use MS development environment/framework to write application for
> their mobile platform.  This might just be enough to either get MS to
> get there butts in gear and make their mobile platform competive, or
> just give up on the mobile front.
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