I've mentioned in before, that while not officially an android device
the Neo Freerunner is a phone that you can buy today which can
apparently run a port of android to some degree, and does have USB
host capability.  It's a lot less mature as a phone than current
android consumer devices, but might be a way to get started while
waiting for HTC, etc to get their act  together... I assume it's only
matter of time until USB host/otg is standard on smartphones.  Perhaps
some of the fleet of "before the end of the year" devices from diverse
manufacturers will have it?

On Sep 2, 10:37 am, Abhi <abhishek.r.sha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Kit,
> I am interested in this subject and have a few killer apps in mind
> that are possible only if I can make the Android phone work as a HOST
> USB and not Device. Did you figure anything out, I believe not, since
> you haven't posted anything. Let me know what stage are you at and we
> can share things. I am not a pro developer but I understand the
> technicalities and have some programming/developing background around
> embedded systems.
> Let me know.
> Thanks,
> Abhi
> On Aug 31, 3:37 am, Kit <kitduna...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Im trying to find out if it is possible to use an Android device (such
> > as the G1, Touch or any other Android device)
> >  I know that the G1 for instance has ausbport however I have been
> > told it can not be used as a host device, I'm wondering if this can be
> > overcome or if theusbport may be used as a serial connection for
> > sending and receiving to other serial devices. By using the info found
> > in this discussion:
> >http://groups.google.com/group/android-platform/browse_thread/thread/...
> > One problem might be the 5v issue mentioned however I would be
> > powering the external devices separately so I'm not worried about it.
> > But I feel It should still be addressed in case anyone else were to
> > use their device for similar sensors and controllers.
> > The devices i would like to control are the ones found 
> > at:http://www.pololu.com/
> > Motor Controllers, Servo Controllers, Sonar Distance Sensors, Ect.
> >  That is obviously concern number one, concern number two is the
> > software side of things which i feel will be easy in comparison. I
> > envision using sliders to control outputs and an area for inputs. Also
> > a "programing" screen where one could use the sliders/inputs to write
> > a programed sequence of events, Possible even by using a "code" based
> > input box.
> > Anyone that has any interest or knows how to accomplish any of this
> > please let me know or just add to the discussion.
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