GUI porting can never be a easy job!
Different APIs, you need rewrite almost all the GUI code IMO.
Non-GUI part should be much easier, but it depends.

You should do a test:
1. Create an android project
2. Reconstruct a small part of your GUI.
3. Copy some .java files related to the small GUI above to your
android project
4. Try to build the android project and solve any build errors
5. Evaluate the difficulty of overall porting and do the porting if
you still want

On 10月16日, 上午8时42分, ematog <> wrote:
> I know Java apps can be run in Android. But what I want to know is
> this: I have a perfectly normal Java app and I want to port it to an
> android platform. What changes would I need to do to my app in terms
> of GUI and other code to make it usable in Android? I know Android
> uses XML file to control the look and feel of its app. So would I need
> to change my GUI completely?
> I just want to know the general overview of how porting may be done.
> If anyone could point me to right resources, that would be great.
> Also, for your info I'm a newbie to developing android app, so please
> be patient with me :)
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