A final comment: WifiManager.AddNetwork(conf) will fail if the the AP
you're trying to connect is protected by password and the password you
set in `conf` is incorrect!!!!

I have been debugging AddNetwork() failure for half a day, MY GOD!!!

On 8月22日, 上午7时40分, "Roman ( T-Mobile USA)" <roman.baumgaert...@t-
mobile.com> wrote:
> Ravi,
> I think your current code looks pretty good.  Please be aware that the
> android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE.
> I am running nearly the same code and I receive the
> NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION event. Please, make sure that 
> theaddNetwork(configuration) is successful. But based on your post it is.
> Could you post the catlog of the entents which you are receiving?
> --
> Roman Baumgaertner
> Sr. SW Engineer-OSDC
> ·T· · ·Mobile· stick together
> The views, opinions and statements in this email are those of the
> author solely in their individual capacity, and do not necessarily
> represent those of T-Mobile USA, Inc.
> On Aug 21, 12:34 pm, R Ravichandran <ravirajami...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I am receiving some events and not all I am looking for. Here is the simple
> > code that I wrote to experiment with my requirement.
> > All I wanted to accomplish with my code was:
> > 1. get a list of WiFi hot spots. I have a BoadcastReceiver that gets the
> > WifiManager.SCAN_RESULTS_AVAILABLE_ACTION intent. I can iterate through the
> > list and find my hotspot.
> > 2. Pick one, I am interested in. Once I find the hotspot I am interested in,
> > I create a WifiConfiguration using the results from scan, and add that with
> > wifiManager.addNetwork.
> > 3. connect it. Then I call wifiManager.enableNetwork. HERE is WHRE I HAVE
> > PROBLEM. I am expecting this will create a connection, and trigger a
> > Here is the code I am playing with:
> > package com.example.helloandroid;
> > import android.app.Activity;
> > import android.os.Bundle;
> > import android.widget.Toast;
> > import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
> > import android.content.Context;
> > import android.content.Intent;
> > import android.content.IntentFilter;
> > import android.net.wifi.ScanResult;
> > import android.net.wifi.WifiManager;
> > import android.net.wifi.WifiConfiguration;
> > import android.net.wifi.WifiInfo;
> > import java.util.List;
> > import android.view.View;
> > import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
> > import android.widget.Button;
> > public class HelloAndroid extends Activity implements OnClickListener {
> >     /** Called when the activity is first created. */
> >     private WifiManager wifiManager;
> >     private int globalCounter=0;
> >     private static final String CHOSEN_HOTSPOT = "myhotspot";
> >     @Override
> >     public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
> >         super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
> >         setContentView(R.layout.main);
> >         Button button = (Button)findViewById(R.id.ok);
> >         button.setOnClickListener(this);
> >         wifiManager = (WifiManager) getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
> >         // register the broadcast receiver for wifi state events
> >         IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter();
> >         filter.addAction(WifiManager.NETWORK_IDS_CHANGED_ACTION);
> >         filter.addAction(WifiManager.NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION);
> >         filter.addAction(WifiManager.SCAN_RESULTS_AVAILABLE_ACTION);
> >         filter.addAction(WifiManager.SUPPLICANT_CONNECTION_CHANGE_ACTION);
> >         filter.addAction(WifiManager.SUPPLICANT_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION);
> >         filter.addAction(WifiManager.EXTRA_SUPPLICANT_ERROR);
> >         filter.addAction(WifiManager.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION);
> >         filter.addAction(WifiManager.RSSI_CHANGED_ACTION);
> >         registerReceiver(wifiEventReceiver, filter);
> >     }
> >     public void onClick(View v) {
> >         wifiManager.startScan();
> >         Toast.makeText(this.getApplicationContext(),"Scan Started: "+"Msg
> > Count: "+(++globalCounter),Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
> >     }
> >     private BroadcastReceiver wifiEventReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
> >         private boolean enabled = false;
> >         @Override
> >         public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
> >             System.out.println ("WiFi Event BroadReceiver:
> > onReceive()=======================================");
> > if(intent.getAction().equals(WifiManager.SCAN_RESULTS_AVAILABLE_ACTION)) {
> >                 if(enabled) return;
> >                 List<ScanResult> hotSpots = wifiManager.getScanResults();
> >                 StringBuffer ssids = new StringBuffer();
> >                 for(ScanResult hotSpot: hotSpots) {
> >                     String hotSpotSsid = hotSpot.SSID;
> >                     String hotSpotBssid = hotSpot.BSSID;
> >                     System.out.println("SSID: "+hotSpotSsid+" BSSID:
> > "+hotSpotBssid);
> >                     StringBuffer sBuf = new StringBuffer("\"");
> >                     sBuf.append(hotSpotSsid+"\"");
> >                     hotSpotSsid = sBuf.toString();
> >                     ssids.append(hotSpotSsid+"..");
> >                     if(hotSpotSsid.indexOf(CHOSEN_HOTSPOT) > 0) {
> >                         List<WifiConfiguration> networks =
> > wifiManager.getConfiguredNetworks();
> >                         System.out.println("=====> Number of configured
> > networks: "+networks.size());
> >                         Toast.makeText(context,"NUmber of confiured
> > Networks: "+networks.size(),Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
> >                         WifiConfiguration wifiConfiguration = new
> > WifiConfiguration();
> >                         wifiConfiguration.SSID = hotSpotSsid;
> >                         wifiConfiguration.BSSID = hotSpotBssid;
> >                         wifiConfiguration.hiddenSSID = false;
> >                         wifiConfiguration.priority = 100000;
> >                         // add this to the configured networks
> >                         int inetId =
> > wifiManager.addNetwork(wifiConfiguration);
> >                         if(inetId < 0) {
> >                             System.out.println("Unable to add network
> > configuration for SSID: "+hotSpotSsid);
> >                             Toast.makeText(context,"Unable to add SSID:
> > "+hotSpotSsid,Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
> >                             return;
> >                         }
> >                         else {
> >                             Toast.makeText(context,"Successfully added SSID:
> > "+hotSpotSsid+" Inet Id: "+inetId,Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
> >                         }
> >                         boolean successConnected =
> > wifiManager.enableNetwork(inetId, true);
> >                         if(successConnected) {
> >                             Toast.makeText(context,"Connected to SSID:
> > "+hotSpotSsid+" Inet Id: "+inetId,Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
> >                             enabled = true;
> >                             break;
> >                         }
> >                         else {
> >                             System.out.println("====> Connection attempt
> > failed "+hotSpotSsid+" ...Returning");
> >                             return;
> >                         }
> >                     }
> >                 }
> >                 Toast.makeText(context,ssids+"Msg Count:
> > "+(++globalCounter),Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
> >             }
> >             else
> > if(intent.getAction().equals(WifiManager.NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION)) {
> >                 System.out.println("===== NETWORK_STATE_CHANGE_ACTION event
> > happened....");
> >                 WifiInfo wifiInfo = wifiManager.getConnectionInfo();
> >                 System.out.println("Check for current connection: SSID:
> > "+wifiInfo.getSSID());
> >                 int ipAddr = wifiInfo.getIpAddress();
> >                 System.out.println("IP Address for connection: "+ipAddr);
> >                 Intent wifiEstablishedIntent = new Intent("WiFi");
> >                 wifiEstablishedIntent.putExtra("Connection", "Connection
> > established: "+wifiInfo.getSSID());
> >                  sendBroadcast(wifiEstablishedIntent);
> >                 Toast.makeText(context,"Connected:
> > "+(++globalCounter),Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
> >             }
> >             else
> > if(intent.getAction().equals(WifiManager.SUPPLICANT_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION)) {
> >                 System.out.println("===== SUPPLICANT_STATE_CHANGE_ACTION
> > event happened....");
> > intent.getBooleanExtra(WifiManager.EXTRA_SUPPLICANT_CONNECTED, false);
> >             }
> >             else
> > if(intent.getAction().equals(WifiManager.SUPPLICANT_CONNECTION_CHANGE_ACTIO 
> > N))
> > {
> >                 System.out.println("=====
> > intent.getBooleanExtra(WifiManager.EXTRA_SUPPLICANT_CONNECTED, false);
> >             }
> >         }
> >     };
> > }
> > These are the permissions I am using:
> >     <uses-permission
> > android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"></uses-permission>
> >     <uses-permission
> > android:name="android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE"></uses-permission>
> >     <uses-permission
> > android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"></uses-permission>
> >     <uses-permission
> > android:name="android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE"></uses-permission>
> > On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 4:10 PM, Roman ( T-Mobile USA) <
> > roman.baumgaert...@t-mobile.com> wrote:
> > > Ravi,
> > > I would first try to check out whether in general your code is able to
> ...
> 阅读更多 >>
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