Try setting the width of every child in your LinearLayout to 0, and their
weights to 1.


On 20 Oct 2009 12:50, "David Given" <> wrote:

I'm trying to do something incredibly simple: I want a layout which
evenly divides the space up among its children, so each child is the
same size. I cannot figure out how to do this.

LinearLayout appears to assign space to all of its children and then
allocate the *remaining* space --- so a TextView with a label of "LONG"
gets more space than a TextView with a label of "I", even if it's not

TableLayout... well, I can't figure out what rules TableLayout uses to
assign its space. But I still get much the same effect, regardless of
how I fiddle with shrinkColumns and stretchColumns.

Does anyone know how I can do this?

┌─── ───── ─────
│ ⍎'⎕',∊N⍴⊂S←'←⎕←(3=T)⋎M⋏2=T←⊃+/(V⌽"⊂M),(V⊝"M),(V,⌽V)⌽"(V,V←1⎺1)⊝"⊂M)'
│ --- Conway's Game Of Life, in one line of APL

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