what does your code do when the asynchronous operation is complete? 
do you register an onDismiss() for the ProgressDialog?

seriously though i would advise anyone doing anything with threads 
and progress dialogs to use AsyncTask. this wonderful class decouples 
the task from the caller and has nice hooks to do things like manage 
ProgressDialogs. and everything happens in the right thread 

adopt AsyncTask, see all problems like this go away.

>Hi, I have a weird problem on progress dialog:
>I have 2 views: Login View and say, Display View.
>In Login View, when I click the 'Login' button, a progress dialog is
>created (new ProgressDialog(...)), shown and stored in a variable
>'mProgressDialog'. After login, the dialog is dismissed and some
>information are displayed in Display View (Login View hides). Now I
>want to display another progress dialog when 'Update' button is
>clicked and when the update is done, dismiss the dialog and display
>new information. So I use:
>mProgressDialog = new ProgressDialog(...);
>to create a new progress dialog with new title and message. Show.
>Now the weird thing happens when the new dialog dismisses. The program
>flashes the Display View for a blink and then shows the Login View....
>I tried to change the view etc. but same problem happens over and over
>again. So I am thinking it might because one activity can only be
>assigned to ONE progress dialog and no matter how you re-create it you
>still get the same progress dialog. And the dialog is linked to a
>certain view which will be shown automatically when the dialog
>Please tell me I am wrong...
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