
I'm trying to create a simple project with the Android NDK.
I created a jni library which is calling a function from a shared C*
I make it work with a C library but as soon as I try with a C++
library it crashes (when calling the c++ function)
As many posts I read I suspect a name mangling problem but whatever I
tried it doesn't change the problem

Here is a summary of what I've done : I created a jni library linking
two simple libs (jnilib my jni interface with java, libtoto.so my c
library, libtotocpp.so my cpp lib). The c* libs simply export a
function returning a int. If I call GetNumber() form the C lib no
problem. If I call the GetNumberCPP() from my C++ lib it crashes

Here are the code and compilation stuffs.

If anyone could tell me what's wrong that would be very very cool :)


- jnilib.c (arm-eabi-gcc -shared jnilib.c -o libjnilib.so  libtoto.so
libtotocpp.so -nostdlib -Bdynamic)
Here if I don't call GetNumberCPP() all works

     #include "toto.h"
     #include "toto.hpp"

     #ifdef _cplusplus
     extern "C"
     jstring Java_amob_jnscapi_jnscapi_initserver  (JNIEnv* env,
jobject thiz )
             char version[50];
             sprintf(version,"%d %d",GetNumberC(),GetNumberCPP());
             return (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, version);
     #ifdef _cplusplus

- libtoto.so  (arm-eabi-gcc -shared toto.c -o libtoto.so -nostdlib -

        #include "toto.h"
        int GetNumberC()
            return 33;

- libtotocpp.so (arm-eabi-g++ -shared toto.cpp -o libtotocpp.so -
nostdlib -Bdynamic)

     #include "toto.hpp"
     #ifdef _cplusplus
     extern "C"
    int GetNumberCPP()
          return 56;
    #ifdef _cplusplus

- In my java class I tried to load all libs ...


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