Paul Townsend wrote:
> Hi I just wondering if I wanted to display a barcode on my phone so
> that a scanner could scan it, ie like the reward cards apps, how would
> I go about creating the barcode in a view.

Here are two possibilities:

1. You store on the phone the barcode as an alphanumeric value and a bar
code type, then generate the image on the phone. That would require a
bar code imaging JAR, and while those probably exist for Java, I expect
they may require some massaging to work on Android.

2. You store on the phone the actual barcode image, obtained from a Web
service or something. This has the advantage of being a better-traveled
road. Then, you'd just use an ImageView, or the 2D graphics API, to
display the image on screen.

The only thing I see potentially being tricky with scenario #2 is
getting the image size right, taking into account different screen
densities. And, you have that same problem with scenario #1.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy) |

_Android Programming Tutorials_ Version 1.0 In Print!

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