Trying to create shared preferences for my class representing my api
and one for my main class. I create a shared preference file by making
this call in my api & main classes

String PREF_NAME = "API";

this.pref = context.getSharedPreferences( PREF_NAME,

the log gives me this

11-17 16:18:19.786: ERROR/ApplicationContext(13584): Couldn't create
directory for SharedPreferences file /data/data/com.*.android/

which I believe is because of the call I make above. I do not get this
error however when I run the app on my 1.5 phone, only when i run it
on my 2.0 droid.

I believe this is leading to the major problem I am having, I get a
null pointer on the 2.0 phone when it makes this call of my code...

OutputStream out = this.context.openFileOutput( fileName,

with this in the log

11-17 16:47:25.350: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(13584):
11-17 16:47:25.350: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(13584):     at
11-17 16:47:25.350: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(13584):     at

I'm pretty sure these are related because I get them both on the 2.0
phone, and neither when I run on 1.5 . Any help will be awesome and
greatly appreciated.

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