I have seen this error in two situations.

The first one is when my AVD is created on a network folder. That
problem is resolved when I move the AVD folder to my local drive and
update the AVD .ini in my home folder on the network.

The second way I can get this error is when I try to run two instances
of the emulator using the same AVD. You won't see two emulators in the
task manager because the second instance failed to launch.

Your scenario doesn't seem to fit either one of those. I see in your
console the previous run ended with an exception. Perhaps, it could be
that the AVD had a virtual crash, leaving the AVD file locked. It

On Nov 12, 7:36 pm, Susan <ska...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have read the many threads regarding this issue, but none of the
> proposed solutions has actually solved the problem for me. And judging
> by the frequency of threads about it, that hasn't solved it for a lot
> of other people either. =)
> Here's the problem: When I run my code, seemingly out of nowhere I'll
> get theerrorshown in the subject line:
>      ERROR: theuserdataimageisusedbyanotheremulator.aborting
> This *seems* straightforward, but I only have oneemulatorrunning. =\
> As evidence, please see this screenshot:
>      http://screencast.com/t/YzQ5MGUyNTkt
> This happens after I run a varying number of successful executions.
> Sometimes I may get three in before theerror, sometimes I may get
> twenty. In this most recent case I had probably run the code fifteen
> times in 45 minutes. Here's the output from the console:
>      http://screencast.com/t/YjAzYzk1NmYt
> When this happens, I can try to run it as many times as I like, but
> I'll continue to get the sameerrorevery time:
>      [2009-11-12 20:14:21 - AnalogClockWidget]Android Launch!
>      [2009-11-12 20:14:21 - AnalogClockWidget]adb is running normally.
>      [2009-11-12 20:14:21 - AnalogClockWidget]No Launcher activity
> found!
>      [2009-11-12 20:14:21 - AnalogClockWidget]The launch will only
> sync the application package on the device!
>      [2009-11-12 20:14:21 - AnalogClockWidget]Performing sync
>      [2009-11-12 20:14:21 - AnalogClockWidget]Automatic Target Mode:
> launching newemulatorwith compatible AVD 'savd2'
>      [2009-11-12 20:14:21 - AnalogClockWidget]Launching a newemulator
> with Virtual Device 'savd2'
>      [2009-11-12 20:14:21 -Emulator]emulator:ERROR: 
> theuserdataimageisusedbyanotheremulator.aborting
> The first million times this happened I thought there might be some
> sort of conflict with having more than one AVD set up -- maybe somehow
> one started automatically if the other was busy or something -- so I
> finally deleted all my AVDs and created one single AVD that is now the
> only one in existence. Here is a screenshot of the SDK and AVD manager
> showing that there is only one AVD hanging around:
>      http://screencast.com/t/YjM4NmMwNG
> The problem is fixable by closing theemulatorand making a new one,
> but as we all know that takes a painful 3-6 minutes each time.
> Does anybody know what could be causing this? The first twenty times I
> restarted theemulatorthis afternoon, I was able to spend the
> intervening five minutes straightening up the kitchen. But I'm running
> out of stuff to clean. =(
> Thanks!

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