What is the correct way to install a custom built SDK?

I have successfully built the 'Donut' android SDK, but I am having
trouble installing it.  I built the SDK according to the following

  /bin/rm -rf out
  mkdir out
  source build/envsetup.sh
  lunch sdk-user
  make sdk

The 'make' ended with the following message:

  Package SDK: out/host/linux-x86/sdk/android-sdk_eng.root_linux-

When unzipped, the contents of the file listed as follows:

  $ ls -1F

I had previously installed both the 1.6 and 2.0  platforms from the
'android' tool.

I attempted to install the new SDK by moving my ~/android-linux-sdk/
platforms/android-1.6 out of the way, and dropping in the unzipped
platforms/android-1.6 as a replacement.

But now, I find I cannot make a compatible AVD with the 'android'
tool, which no longer shows android 1.6 or API's level 4 as possible
targets, and on startup the tool complains as follows:

  $ android
  Starting Android SDK and AVD Manager
  Error: Ignoring platform 'android': build.prop is missing.
  Error: Ignoring add-on 'google_apis-4-r01': Unable to find base
platform with API level '4'

N.B. I did not attempt to replace the 'tools' directory or anything
else above the level of 'platforms' with the contents of the new SDK
because I also have a platforms/android-2.0 directory, and I reasoned
that an 'android-1.6' SDK build of the tools would be incompatible
with that, whereas I thought that the android-2.0 top-level 'tools'
would be compatible with both.

What is the correct way to install the custom built SDK so it works
with both platforms?

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