Hard to tell the number of users but the list of countries is here:

On Dec 15, 7:52 am, RobGThai <thisisr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> While Android seems to be raging recently, however not all users are
> able to buy application through Market (Thanks Google and their
> limited policy).
> I just don't know why should I developing an app for a platform that
> doesn't really convinced me that it will make me some profit. At the
> very least, Google should be able to provide the number of users
> logging in to the Market and download paid applications.
> I have an unrooted phone sitting here and like 65% of the apps (if not
> more) consists of some show-random-photos and sound-clips, I don't
> even know if I should call them applications any more. So unless the
> apps get some recommendation from somebody, it is more than likely
> that it will not get hit unless user know what they are looking for.
> The problem comes from the ability for developer to sell and buyer to
> buy. It doesn't matter how many phone will be bought in the following
> year or how many model will come out. If the user can't buy it, those
> number are meaningless to developers.
> The whole concern was actually from people asking why am I doing it
> when I dont get paid. It's actually a very good question. Not to
> mention couple of iPhone developers that suggest AppStore.
> It's all based on some article on the net and people around me though.
> Has anybody feeling that way as well?

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