It's a background service which must remain connected, and also cannot
be overridden by the user, so I need a programmatic solution to keep
wifi on.  I'm trying:
wl = wifiManager.createWifiLock(tag);

but that doesn't seem to be working.

I don't want to get too far into what the application is yet, but it
runs as a background service and must be constantly monitoring a
machine over wifi (perhaps later Bluetooth).  It would be sold as a
prepackaged phone.  It's OK for the service to only to a single
reading every few seconds, but the wifi must be available when the
thread wakes up.

On Dec 15, 1:18 am, Edward  Falk <> wrote:
> Can I ask why you're keeping a connection open for 15 minutes?  That
> must be killing the battery.

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