System.currentTimeMillis is not the correct way to go for games, it
changes if the users changes the time on the phone.
Use SystemClock.uptimeMillis

On Jan 14, 7:14 pm, Robert Green <> wrote:
> private long tickMs;
> private long lastTickMs;
> private long tickDeltaMs;
> public void run() {
>   while (running) {
>     lastTickMs = tickMs;
>     tickMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
>     tickDeltaMs = tickMs - lastTickMs;
>     updateGame(tickDeltaMs);
>   }
> }
> That's all you need.  I've found that the actual tick time doesn't
> matter but the difference between the last tick and this tick is all
> you need to have correct physics and most any update I've had to write
> so far.
> Game physics can work like this
> updateGame(12) // moves physics 12ms forward
> updateGame(15) // moves physics 15ms forward
> updateGame(22) // moves physics 22ms forward
> That's exactly what you want the tick delta for.  I use that for all
> movement, sound, collisions, animations and timers.
> There's one exception - if your game cares about time of day.  Then
> you need the actual time of day calculated out to use for it, but
> otherwise if the game runs in its own time, that'll do.
> On Jan 14, 7:02 am, Neilz <> wrote:
> > Hi all. What is most efficient way of keeping a check on time within a
> > game thread?
> > Currently I create a new Date() when the game starts, and was thinking
> > of creating another Date() within the game thread and comparing it
> > with the first one. But with a screen refreshing at around 60fps
> > (hence a new date object each time), I can't help thinking this is
> > rather inefficient. What other ways are there of doing this?
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