Mark:  Regarding the compression of the APK, what is it comparable to
in compression ratio:  WinZip? gzip, etc? It would seem to me that it
still might make sense to uncompress it and place it on the sdcard for
speed since having to query, for example a compressed database file
would take lots of extra time for each query or DML operation. Am I
right on this or is there something ELSE I don't get. LOL

On Jan 29, 8:38 am, "Mark Murphy" <> wrote:
> > 1) I have a 1.9MB text file that I need to read and spit into a database.
> That's, um, big.
> > This means that I will now have the 1.9MB text file (or files if I split)
> > plus the storage for the database, thus almost doubling the footprint of
> > my
> > app.
> Yup.
> > 2) Due to the higher footprint of my app, it is more likely to be purged
> > by
> > users who are scarce on space.
> Yup.
> > 3) I could have the database already created and have the app download it
> > from my server, however bandwidth costs money.
> For you, not really -- Amazon S3 would cost you a fraction of a penny per
> download. For users using a metered data plan, it's a far bigger issue.
> > Also, I'd probably gzip
> > the
> > database in this instance and still need to uncompress the database file
> > when it gets plopped onto the SD card.
> However, you get the benefits of the ordinary file (for easier unGZIPping)
> and you can then delete it when you're done.
> > 4) If I put the database on the SD card, I have to rely on the user a)
> > having a SD card and b) the user not having a SD card full of Brittany
> > Spears and other cruft.
> Yup.
> > I guess these are just the growing pains of my app and these are things we
> > are increasingly going to have to deal with.  I've just been going back
> > and
> > forth amongst these options not really liking any of them.
> Another option is not to download it at all, but to implement a Web
> service that holds the data, that your app calls to.
> Another another option is a hybrid: the Web service route is the default,
> but the users can choose an "offline" option that downloads the file and
> sticks it on their SD card. If their SD card is missing or full, you
> disable that option.
> > It seems like
> > the growing advice on this list is to store the larger stuff on the SD
> > card
> > and have the user download it when the application first runs in order to
> > maintain a smaller internal memory application footprint.
> Yup.
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
> Android App Developer Books:

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