According to Android Dev Guide (
TW/guide/topics/manifest/provider-element.html), it says that    if
android:multiprocess is set to "true", the system can create an
instance in every process where there's a client that wants to
interact with it, thus avoiding the overhead of interprocess

But...  since the multiple ContentProvider instances are running in
different process space, how do they access the DB file that was
created in different process space or user ID?

I've checked browser & in its packages/apps/Browser/
AndroidManifest.xml:  android:multiprocess="true"
-rw-r--r-- app_12   app_12        512 1903-02-27 13:29 webviewCache.db-
-rw-rw---- app_12   app_12       5120 1903-02-27 13:29 browser.db
-rw-rw---- app_12   app_12       6144 1903-02-27 13:29 webviewCache.db
-rw-rw---- app_12   app_12      14336 1903-02-27 13:29 webview.db

Does any one know why???

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