I haven't run into anything like that myself. I do often run into
issues that can cause the data to be incorrectly offset or otherwise
messed up, however, which might look similar.

The position of the buffer is important when you call glVertexPointer,
for example. So if the way you filled the buffer changed the position,
it has to be rewound or otherwise set back to where you want it before
you call glVertexPointer.

Another rough one was that in Android 1.5 putting an array into a
buffer using a non-zero offset into the array to start from doesn't
work. Works in later versions of Android, however.

Another issue is that the way the glVertexPointer call works is that
it doesn't consume the actual data. It is just setting the pointer to
the data. So changing the data before your other calls actually cause
it be used later on would cause trouble.

On Feb 12, 5:02 am, Clankrieger <tob...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I got an issue while rendering a number of meshes on a GlSurfaceView
> renderer: The meshes are sometimes broken or are not updated on screen
> during my render call. The whole 1.6 application is running single
> threaded, rendering is done with vertexpointers like this:
> glVertexPointer(3, GL10.GL_FIXED, 0,
> (IntBuffer)_pMesh.getBufferVtx());
> It looks a bit like the native interfaced get spammed by my render
> calls and do not get enough time to natively actually draw the data?
> It behaves completely the same on emulator and an actual phone. I am
> using the rendering pipeline on a PC project as well were is works
> absolutely fine.
> I begun feeling really desperate and dumb because I can't get this
> working properly since days. :(
> Thank you!

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