You need to use:

yourbitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, out); //PNG better
supported, you will see a loss of quality if you use JPEG

where "out" is your FileOutputStream with the file's destination

you can get it back with BitmapFactory.decodeStream(in, null, null);

where "in" is your InputStream...

for more info:,%20int,

Hope it helps!

On Feb 27, 4:32 am, Dan <> wrote:
> I am going to be saving some jpeg images to the sdcard and I don't
> know the best way to get those images back off, one at a time.  They
> will be in a folder named /sdcard/images/ I will just need one image
> at a time, so this folder will act more as a cache of images pulled
> from the web that will be used in the application.  Therefore, I can't
> just put them in the res/drawable folder because I won't know which
> images they are beforehand. Thanks for any help on the subject.

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