julius wrote:
> 1. Is it possible to show an AlertDialog (from the notification)
> without sending the user to a new Activity? (This way the user can
> click No and resume working in any other application)

I don't think so. You can always create a dialog-themed activity, so it
looks like a dialog, but isn't.

> 2. A ListActivity already exists in this application. If the user
> clicks yes the user should be send to this existing Activity.
> Currently I'm dong this from a new activity in the application using:
> startActivity(new Intent(this,MSPMain.class));
> I believe this is making a new instance of the Activity rather than
> simply showing the existing Activity. Is there a way to show the
> existing Activity without making starting a new one?

Look at android:launchMode:


Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
http://commonsware.com | http://twitter.com/commonsguy

Android Training in NYC: 1-2 May 2010: http://guruloft.com

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