> Furthermore, a BroadcastReceiver has no good way of communicating to a
> running activity, let alone determining if there is one there.
Yeah I was kinda having trouble with this part... :)

> Now, if you take the BroadcastReceiver out of the equation, your
> dialog-raising Activity could register itself with the service (e.g.,
> bindService(), then call some API offered by the service). When the
> service wishes to notify the user, it checks to see if a listener is
> registered. If so, it calls a method on that listener, which triggers
> the activity to display the dialog. If there is no listener, the service
> raises the notification. Just be sure to unregister the listener as the
> activity exits.
This sounds excellent.

I was using a BroadcastReceiver as the Service has ProximityAlerts set
up , each of which expects a PendingIntent. I had each PendingIntent
send a broadcast. I guess I'll need to use PendingIntent.getService()
to start the process of notification or call method on the listener.

Thank you for the guidance.

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