Hi all,
In the application im working on now i came up with the following
problem. I have list view which is displaying items with images in
most cases it will be different image for different items ( thumbnails
about 60x60 pixels ). So the problem is how can i handle image
processing for the view. For know i have the following variants:
1. I can cache all bitmaps and when i try to display view i get bitmap
from cache synchronously and display it. The problem is that
60x60=3600x4=14kb per bitmap which is waste of resources.
2. When i need to display view i can register event to some thread to
decode the associated bitmap which will decode it in background and
than to update gui. This sounds good for me the scrolling is still
smooth because all image processing is done in background. Updating
list view is bit jerky for now i am doing it view notifyDataSetChanged
which is updating all visible views although i can update thumbnail
for a single item.
So question one is is there better way the update single listview
element than calling notifyDataSetChanged.
Can you think of some better strategies for solving this problem.

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