First you have to set up new Java project with fbconnect itself.
- Unzip "" into your workspace and then
Import Project to Eclipse.
- It will complain that it cannot find lot of classes. What you have
to do is to add External library "android.jar" into project's build
path. I used android.jar from Android 1.5.
- After it compiles - from eclipse's menu choose File->Export->Java-
>Jar file
- select fbconnect project's "src" directory as resource to export.
- type in path and name of exported .jar (fbconnect.jar)
- go to your project's preferences and add fbconnect.jar into your
libraries (in Java Build Path)

Everything should compile and run just fine now. In my project I had
to change some minor things in fbconnect, so if you need to, you can
change any java code in fbconnect and then re-export it into .jar

On Mar 30, 12:17 pm, Maxood <> wrote:
> What's the procedure to run Facebook Connect application in android?
> Here is the link:
> Please explain step by step. I'm having errors in my manifest file:
> <activity android:name="com.codecarpet.fbconnect.FBLoginActivity"
>             android:theme="@android:style/
> Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar"/>
>         <activity
> android:name="com.codecarpet.fbconnect.FBPermissionActivity"
>             android:theme="@android:style/
> Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar"/>
>         <activity
> android:name="com.codecarpet.fbconnect.FBFeedActivity"
>             android:theme="@android:style/
> Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar"/>

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