Hey all-

I need to know when the user is panning the map so I can check if they've 
panned outside of the initial radius that I fetch data from the API with when 
the app launches. If the user pans outside this radius, when they stop panning 
I will get the new center point of the map and fetch new data with that 
geo-point. So far I can't find anything in the Google Maps API docs [and I've 
inspected the entire class tree] that notifies developers when any animation 
actions are occurring or completed.. It seems weird that Google wouldn't give 
us some sort of event listener or protected method to override on the MapView 
or something to do this.

I looked into what methods were available to override on the View class and it 
does have onAnimationEnd() but I guess panning or zooming the map doesn't count 
as an animation or is never passed up from the MapView or something... I tried 
running a simple log in onAnimationEnd() and it is never being called...

Any help here would be great! Searching the interwebs gave me nothing but some 
never-successfully-answered posts.

Thanks so much,

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