For your edit text, use this property.

This will pop up the keyboard with numbers only. But in this case you
will not be able to enter anything other than numbers.
Thanks and Regards,
Kumar Bibek

On Apr 5, 12:57 am, Nmix <> wrote:
> I have an EditText that specifies android:digits where all the
> specified characters are on the standard symbols soft keyboard.
> Unfortunately it seems that just using android:digits is enough to
> always cause the qwerty keyboard to pop up. Always having to press the
> 123? key for that one EditText is a bit inconvenient for my users and,
> sad to say, it's a difficult concept for a few.
> Apart from writing up a custom IME, is there a way to force the
> symbols keyboard on an EditText? I did look around and even try a few
> things, but I'm now thinking this isn't possible. Hopefully I'm wrong.
> Thanks.

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