I ran into this recently. Try this in your AndroidManifest.xml

android:targetSdkVersion="4" />

Android Academy http://androidacademy.com

On Apr 5, 6:01 am, Gabriel Simões <gsim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> After spending some time learning about Android´s SDK I´ve finally
> "finished" a first version of my first app: a metronome.
> It´s a simple app but I´ve faced some problems with AudioTrack, most
> trying to syncronize the audio with changes on the UI. In the end I
> did all my tests using the Android Emulator (1.6 and 2.1) since I don
> ´t have an Android device right now.
> I´ve posted this first version on some sites to get an initial
> feedback about it: how it works, how is the syncronization between
> audio and UI, how easy it is to understand the UI, if it´s stable,
> etc.
> I would appreciate if you could give me some feedback:
> https://slideme.org/application/mobile-metronomehttp://andappstore.com/AndroidApplications/apps/Mobile_Metronome
> I will post it on Android market as soon as I confirm it´s stable and
> working properly.
> Thanks,
> Gabriel Simões

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