Still struggling with this. Based on what you said, I tried playing
with this:

Signature[] sigs =


I then had a look at


which produced a 979 character long string!

Is hashCode() of any use here?  I ignored it for now.

I also had a look at toByteArray(), by converting it to a String.  The
result was a string that contained some readable ASCII characters and
some gobbledygook characters like 0� �0� N�      

I'm wondering if toCharsString is what we're actually looking for, but
that's a huge amount of text to be sending along with the request!
Would hashCode do?

On Mar 31, 2:46 pm, ko5tik <> wrote:
> I'm also gnawing on the same problem.  At the moment
> I'm investigating following path:
> Context -> Package Manager -> Package info (for name, with
> signatures ) -> Signatures

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