>  There appear to be a bunch of errors:
> E/dalvikvm(  237): Unable to open stack trace file '/data/anr/
> traces.txt': Permission denied

Those aren't tied to your problem. That is standard chatter from the
Android subsystems, chatter which I desperately wish wasn't at ERROR log
level if the core Android team isn't intending on fixing them.

> I'm new to java and down in the log I see an "uncaught exception".  I
> guess a figure out exception handling and do it on the sendSMS class?

The key lines are:

> E/AndroidRuntime(  237): Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
> E/AndroidRuntime(  237):      at
> android.content.ContextWrapper.getPackageName(ContextWrapper.java:120)
> E/AndroidRuntime(  237):      at
> android.content.ComponentName.<init>(ComponentName.java:75)
> E/AndroidRuntime(  237):      at android.content.Intent.<init>(Intent.java:
> 2551)
> E/AndroidRuntime(  237):      at
> xxxxxxxxxxxxx.sms.SimpleSMS.sendSMS(SimpleSMS.java:11)

You are calling an Intent constructor with some malformed parameters,

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
Android App Developer Books: http://commonsware.com/books.html

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