Mark, email yourself from your desktop while playing a game with
reasonable cpu/gpu usage.  Watch as the game stutters because the
gmail process eats CPU while updating, then tell me I'm wrong.  I care
less about why it happens and more about the fact that it does happen
and we game devs have no control over it.  Every 3D game on Android
has complaints about "lag."  It's not because the scene got too
complex, it's other processes slowing it down.  I test games for hours
a day and I can tell you that I see every time I get emailed while
playing because my frame rate gets cut in half while it's happening.

On Apr 12, 2:19 pm, Mark Murphy <> wrote:
> Robert Green wrote:
> > 3)  Background processes destroy intense game framerates, even on
> > 2.1.
> Where did I go wrong in this analysis? And, if there are no significant
> flaws in the analysis, how does that analysis jive with your blanket
> statement quoted above?
> Actually, I'll point out one flaw in the analysis: I failed to mention
> startForeground(), which I double-checked (based on Mr. Kamp's recent
> inquiry) and confirmed does pull the service into the foreground
> priority class.
> Thanks!
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons 
> Guy)|
> Android Development Wiki:

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