Thanks Lance.  I saw that... it is one of the highest ranked issues
out there and the comments are being abused quite a bit, but there
does not seem to be any response from Google about whether or not they
plan to correct this going forward, or if they feel it is something
that even needs to be corrected.

I've been trying everything I can think of to find some kind of
workaround, but so far have failed to do so.  It would be great to get
a response from one of the Google engineers on this and I think it
would hopefully at least put the issue to rest, even if the response
is that they do not plan to change this going forward.  I hope that is
not the answer, but at least we would know.

The odd thing is that the sensors appear to behave somewhat
differently depending on the actual device.  For example, there are
different behaviors between the Droid and the Nexus One, despite the
fact that they are both using Android 2.1.  So possibly some of the
issues are related to the variations in the hardware sensors
themselves, but that is just more speculation.

Dianne, if you are out there, I think there are a lot of people that
would like to get a response on this one.  Thank you!!

On Apr 24, 10:14 am, Lance Nanek <> wrote:
> On Apr 13, 6:32 am, Jonathan <> wrote:
> > As I understand it, there seems to have been a change in the OS that
> > prevents the accelerometer from running when the screen turns off and
> > the phone CPU goes into its power saving state.  Can this be
> > confirmed?  I have gotten around this by using a wake lock, but this
> > is a much less than ideal solution as it drains a lot of battery.
> > If the accelerometer was disabled in low power mode to save the
> > battery, it may very well have the opposite effect in many cases, such
> > as mine. A partial wake lock seems to be required to keep it running,
> > which is obviously much worse than if just the accelerometer were
> > running without the need for the wake lock.
> > Are there any other workarounds anyone knows of to getting
> > accelerometer values while the phone is in low power mode?  Also, are
> > there any plans to change this in future versions of the OS?  If there
> > are no plans to change this, I would definitely like to petition for
> > this to be changed.
> > Thoughts?  Ideas?  Workarounds?  Thank you!!
> --
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