As always, thanks Mark!

I definitely see your point - its better to do short chunks of work in an
AsyncTask than creating long running background threads.

My app makes a lot of http requests. After the download is complete, it
updates a database. I thought it would be better to create a single
background thread that does this work and then notifies the UI when its
finished. I thought this would be more efficient than opening a network
connection, opening the database, doing work, closing the database, etc.
each and every time. I suppose I could open the database in the main
Activity thread and close that in onDestroy and pass it to the AsyncTask
each time.

On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 9:58 AM, Mark Murphy <>wrote:

> > This leads me to a new question....when do I actually destroy the
> > threads then?
> As soon as their work is done. All else being equal, choose a model where
> you do not keep your own threads hanging out forever (e.g., use AsyncTask
> rather than forking your own threads).
> > Part of me is wondering if I even need to bother
> > destroying the threads - won't the OS do that automatically when it
> > needs to?
> No, it will not, except by terminating the process, which may not happen
> for quite some time after your activity is destroyed. This yet another
> reason to use AsyncTask rather than forking your own threads -- threads
> *Android* forks *Android* is responsible to clean up.
> Moreover, please bear in mind that your activity may be in a stopped state
> for an extended period of time (a.k.a., days). Your goal, while stopped,
> should be to avoid doing anything much. This is yet another reason to
> design your application to avoid forking your own threads that hang around
> indefinitely, but rather do your background work in short discrete chunks
> in AsyncTasks.
> > One of the threads has an open database connection. I
> > imagine that should be handled more gracefully. The question is when
> > should I do this?
> As soon as your work is done.
> > When an Activity starts, there is a way for you to tell if you have
> > saved state.
> In your case, if getLastNonConfigurationInstance() is not null, you have
> saved state, in the form of the object returned from
> getLastNonConfigurationInstance().
> > When the Activity ends, I wish there was some reliable
> > way to determine whether the Activity is going to restart right away
> > or if its being destroyed for good.
> Call isFinishing().
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
> Android App Developer Books:
> --
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