Thanks much for your help.  The hiearchyviewer is a NICE tool of which
I was unaware.  Unfortunately it simply shows that my ListView has no
children (rows).  I believe I have discovered the problem, however,
and am able to reproduce it with a pure Java application.  It seems
that if I call the 'setAdapter' method AFTER I have place the ListView
into it's parent, then it doesn't work.  I actually had not initially
done that, but I needed a way for the ListView to refresh after I
changed it's contents.  It SEEMED that if I reset the adapter that it
would then ask me for the data again (it does ask for the count), but
clearly this does not work.  So the real question is how do I tell the
ListView to reload the data after I have changed the data that
underlies the ListAdapter.


On May 25, 3:04 pm, Mark Murphy <> wrote:
> John Gaby wrote:
> > I don't believe that is the case, since I can set a background color
> > on the ListView, and I can see it at the location and size that was
> > specified.
> So much for that theory.
> > Also, if I stop using my custom ListAdapter and substitute
> > one that just displays a simple list of strings, it works fine.  There
> > is one puzzling aspect, however.  When it displays my list it draws it
> > with the greyish bar at the bottom which I usually see when the list
> > has more items than can fit and can be scrolled.  However, it should
> > have only 3 items and not be scrollable.  Also, I do not see the
> > little scroll bar to the right.  Does this give you any clue as to
> > what might be going on?
> No, but you might want to crank up hierarchyviewer and see what it tells
> you. For example, it will clearly indicate if you have any rows, how big
> they are, etc.
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons 
> Guy)||
> Android Online Training: 21-25 June 2010:

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