I am porting android to the ARM platform, i am trying now to make WiFi
work but got stuck a little bit,
My question is how should i start wpa_supplicant service: manually or
is it done by the framework, can't figure it out .
I compiled supplicant manually and tested it outside android and can
connect to AP.

Please Help!

Bellow is a failure log:

I/SystemServer(  241): Starting Status Bar Service.
I/WindowManager(  241): Input configuration changed: { scale=1.0
imsi=0/0 locale=en_US touch=3 key=2/2 nav=3 orien=2 }
I/SystemServer(  241): Starting Hardware Service.
I/SystemServer(  241): Starting NetStat Service.
I/SystemServer(  241): Starting Connectivity Service.
W/dalvikvm(  241): VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 437: Landroid/
net/NetworkStateTracker;.releaseWakeLock ()V
W/dalvikvm(  241): VFY:  rejecting opcode 0x6e at 0x00cb
W/dalvikvm(  241): VFY:  rejected Lcom/android/server/
ConnectivityService;.handleConnect (Landroid/net/NetworkInfo;)V
W/dalvikvm(  241): Verifier rejected class Lcom/android/server/
E/SystemServer(  241): Failure starting Connectivity Service
E/SystemServer(  241): java.lang.VerifyError:
E/SystemServer(  241):  at com.android.server.ServerThread.run
E/AndroidRuntime(  241): Crash logging skipped, no checkin service
I/SystemServer(  241): Starting Notification Manager.
I/SystemServer(  241): Starting Location Manager.
D/LocationManagerService(  241): Constructed LocationManager Service
D/libhardware(  241): no GPS hardware on this device
D/LocationManagerService(  241): Found dir /data/location/gps
D/LocationManagerService(  241): name = gps
D/TrackProvider(  241): Loading properties file /data/location/gps/
D/dalvikvm(  241): GC freed 6152 objects / 336576 bytes in 289ms
E/SystemServer(  241): Failure starting Location Manager
E/SystemServer(  241): java.lang.NullPointerException
E/SystemServer(  241):  at android.net.wifi.WifiManager.getScanResults
E/SystemServer(  241):  at
E/SystemServer(  241):  at com.android.server.ServerThread.run
E/AndroidRuntime(  241): Crash logging skipped, no checkin service

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