I'm working on a custom Android-based OS.

I've already configured x86 emulator build - basically it's a *full_x86* 
modification: *company_emulatorx86.mk*


# Inherit from the common Open Source product configuration
$(call inherit-product, $(SRC_TARGET_DIR)/product/full_x86.mk)

PRODUCT_NAME := company_emulatorx86
PRODUCT_MODEL := COMPANY on emulatorx86


But now, I want to distribute this as SDK addon. I've created and filled 
source.properties and manifest.ini files.
At this point I can simply build my *company_emulatorx86* target, package 
it into zip, add addon.xml file and distribute.

But I know that there is make-targets to generate addon zip and xml 
Probably, the most remarkable combination is:
make -j4 PRODUCT-company_emulatorx86-sdk_addon dist DIST_DIR=~/android/

But here is the problem:

   1. It would build 'eng' target - how to configure it ?
   2. How to put provide hardware.ini, manifest.ini and source.properties ?
   3. How to generate addon.xml file which can be used in Android SDK 
   manager then ?

*P.S*. AFAIK you can inherit *$(SRC_TARGET_DIR)/product/**sdk.mk* and use bunch 
of *PRODUCT_** variables to configure addon, but how can I define that 
configured addon should contain my *company_emulatorx86* images ?

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