yes, you should write your own cartridge meta-facades so that they contain all 
the logic specific to the technology of your choice

in order to do that you should take a look at one of the cartridges, don't use 
the java cartridge because it has no cartridge metafacades, dont use bpm4struts 
because it's too complex to start with

I recommend the xmlschema cartridge or perhaps even the spring cartridge, you 
will find a model in there, which is called the cartridge meta-model, it's in 
<cartridge>/src/uml and is to be opened with MagicDraw. This model contains all 
the metafacades modeled as classes which inter-relate, when building the 
cartridge you will use the andromda meta-cartridge to generate the skeleton 
code for your facades, * classes you will need to edit yourself of 

I recommend copying a cartridge and editing it for your need, this means you 
probably only want to change <cartridge>/project.xml, 
<cartridge>/src/uml/ and 

make sure you don't copy <cartridge>/src/java .. it should be empty when you 
start writing your cartridge
Wouter Zoons - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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