I have an entity with a finder method that takes a criteria and returns a List. 
The code generated in the daobase has the correct return type (List) but the 
generated code generates a compilation error due to the return type of the 
criteria's execute() method:

public java.util.List findUsersByCriteria(final int transform, final 
edu.duke.dcri.retinalscan.persistence.criteria.FindUsersCriteria criteria)





            java.util.Collection results = criteriaSearch.execute();

            transformEntities(transform, results);

            return results;



The results of type Collection is trying to be coerced to a List and is causing 
the compilation error. The Queries section of the Spring Cartridge How-To shows 
a finder query returning a List given a criteria.

It also appears as though the criteriaSearch.execute() is actually returning a 
HashSet which, as a side effect, can invalidate the result set ordering defined 
by the criteria. The conversion from the List returned by Hiberante to HashSet 
takes on set semantics which does not guarantee the ordering of elements when 
iterating over the set.
Reply to the post : http://galaxy.andromda.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2392#2392
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