Hello Matthias,

Friday, December 28, 2007, 12:49:38 AM, you wrote:

> Am Donnerstag, den 27.12.2007, 21:50 +0000 schrieb Paul M:
>> On 27/12/2007, Koen Kooi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Aaron Diab schreef:
>> >
>> > <snip drivel>
>> >
>> > > the Angstrom Gestapo
>> >
>> > And I hereby invoke Godwin's law[1].
>> You'd be better off simply ignoring trolls - by responding and trading
>> insults you can only reduce yourself to their level and thereby demean
>> yourself. 

> While pulling a "Godwin" was not the brightest of his ideas, his
> original complaint is valid. It is not a troll but yet another angered
> user...

  A user angered without reason to be angered == troll.

> angered by flame-like responses to ordinary (and _valid_)
> questions.

  You're inclined to perceive "terse and sharp" responses as
"flame-like". Get another hint that it's unproductive.

> How on _earth_ is a newbie supposed to know what a "defconfig" is?

  That's actually another side of tech-savviness and openness of OE:
many developers (well, at least for me, that's fully true) assume that
a newcomer is already has some knowledge in Linux hacking area, or at
least desire to learn. Because, well, how do I know that he doesn't
know what "defconfig" is?? And given 2 choices - treat every newcomer
"as a mere mortal uncapable to understand high spirits of cool system
hacking" vs treating one as potential colleague with whom I might work
together on solving issues, I chose second assumption, period.

> He was following the bloody Angstrom documentation and he ran into a
> problem.

> The response made him look like an idiot, way to go folks!

  That's how you see the situation, Matthias, fix your perception,

>> I know the Angstrom devs are human and don't like criticism,
>> but really, you've got to rise above it and then you will win the
>> moral high ground.

> <sarcasm> yeah, right... </sarcasm>

  But well, what do you actually want to achieve with such posts? If you
cared about newbies, you would go out of your way to explain them what
"defconfig" is. As you don't do that actually, I assume you don't care
*that* much about newbies. So, do you instead want to teach other people
how to communicate? Drop that, please, that's not appreciated.

Best regards,
 Paul                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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