Op 14 jun 2011, om 11:20 heeft Nuno Cardoso het volgende geschreven:

> Hi,
> Basically what I need is a rootfs for development and make some performance
> tests with Valgrind. But, to run Valgrind I need a non-stripped glibc
> library. Valgring needs to use glibc table of symbols to make the system
> performance tests... When I use a standard image from Narcissus, glibc is
> compiled with strip command, that remove the table of symbols.
> Can you tell me if it is possible I compile an angstrom image with narcissus
> without removing the table of symbols from glibc.

'opkg update ; opkg install glibc-dbg' to install the symbol table.



> Narcissus provides any option to intall Valgrind... or I need to compile it?
> Thanks,
> Huck.
> 2011/6/14 Koen Kooi <k...@dominion.thruhere.net>
>> Op 14 jun 2011, om 10:24 heeft Nuno Cardoso het volgende geschreven:
>>> Hi list,
>>> When I create Narcissus image for beagleboard with this options:
>>> - Select the machine you want to build your rootfs image for: beagleboard
>>> - Choose the complexity of the options below: Advanced
>>> - Base System: regular
>>> - SDK type: simple toolchain
>>> - *User environment selection: console only*
>>> *- **Additional packages selection: *Development packages: toolchain
>>> The unpack rootfs image have this file structure:
>>> /home/ncardoso/devkit8000/usr/local/angstrom/arm/ + dirs
>>> I need to copy all the directory path to SD Card or the path after dirs?
>>> Is this a target file system or a directory that I need on the host
>> machine
>>> for cross-compile?
>> You get 2 tarballs:
>> 1) the filesystem for your target
>> 2) the sdk that runs on your to to crosscompile for your target.
>> http://www.angstrom-distribution.org/toolchains/ shows how you could use
>> the SDK.
>> If you want a toolchain to run *on* your target, select "Native (on-target)
>> SDK" from the "development packages" section.
>> regards,
>> Koen
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