Applied, thanks!

Op 19 okt. 2011, om 02:41 heeft Denys Dmytriyenko het volgende geschreven:

> On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 04:15:38PM -0600, Gary Thomas wrote:
>> On 2011-10-18 16:08, Khem Raj wrote:
>>> On (18/10/11 21:04), Daniel Lazzari wrote:
>>>> Hey everyone,
>>>> We are trying to build something of a custom distro on top of 
>>>> Angstrom-core and need to remove x11 from the DISTRO_FEATURES as it 
>>>> breaks dbus (since we aren't shipping x11). I can just comment it out in 
>>>>, but that requires editing files in meta-angstrom, which is 
>>>> not our layer. Anyone know of a good way of removing this by only using 
>>>> files in our own layer?
>>> If you are using layer based angstrom(using oe-core and other layers) then 
>>> its easier where you can
>>> specify your layer with highest layer priority and ahead of other layers 
>>> for
>>> BBPATH then it will pick your layer first when it searches for recipes.
>>> in conf/distro/include/ we have
>>> DISTRO_FEATURES += "x11"
>>> you could comment that out.
>> I think the point was to not have to modify the common/public layer.
>> n.b. I'm interested in the same thing for my own distro.
> I use the following code a lot in Arago[1] for different list manipulations:
> DISTRO_FEATURES := "${@oe_filter_out('x11','DISTRO_FEATURES', 
> d, 1), d)}"
> Just be careful as oe_filter_out() seems to match the substring, unless you 
> specify it as regex, so all values beginning with x11* will be filtered out.
> [1] 
> -- 
> Denys
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