Hi Daniel,

> I'm trying to learn about that recipes. I see how is the simple one for
> "hello world" created. But preparing it for kernel must be more complex. So
> I wanted to look into existing recipes. In directory:
> <my_working_dir>/setup-**scripts/sources/meta-ti/**recipes-kernel/linux/
> are recipes: linux-omap_2.6.37.bb and linux-omap_2.6.39.bb.
> Inside is info that Beagleboard is a compatible machine.
> How could I use it?

there are many possibilities to get kernel you want. For simple
cross-compile you could check my post at:


If you really want to get kernel in bitbaked image I would recommend to
create your own layer. You could check as example my layer for a robot
which is posted at:


The important part is to include the conf directory with your definition of
machine.conf. In this example I select my linux-xenomai-arm as preferred
kernel. With such setup you get the OE folders unchanged and you work on
your own layer. The recipe for the kernel is pretty straightforward  as
soon as you include linux.inc.

You could check cloned setup-scripts, which include this layer in initial


Hope this helps,
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