Op 18 nov. 2012, om 23:45 heeft Andrew Glen <andrewtaneg...@gmail.com> het 
volgende geschreven:

> Apologies if this is an absolute noob question, but I am using the angstrom
> distro to build a kernel and file system for a beaglebone (on a host ubuntu
> 12.04 machine) and can build and run the kernel successfully, but I get a
> mismatch between the version of the kernel source files downloaded using
> the oebb.sh script and subsequent bitbake commands, and the kernel version
> obtained when I run an 'opkg upgrade' on the target device.
> Current the source files on my host machine are 3.2.28, and the upgraded
> kernel version is 3.2.30. Is there a way to update my kernel source files
> to version 3.2.30, or in general to the latest available?
> I see that in '
> https://github.com/beagleboard/kernel/tree/beaglebone-3.2/patches' there
> are patch sets up to 3.2.32. I am guessing that there is something within a
> config file, or an additional call to a script, that tells the system what
> version of the kernel sources to get from the git repos, but I am at this
> point unable to figure out where or what these are.
> Hope someone can help me out.

Can you do 'git pull' on the setup-scripts repo? That should get you updates to 
tracks the updated set of branches.


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